" Ulcer Piercing: A Novel Drainage Technique for Diabetic Patients with Complicated Foot"
Journal Title: Journal of Endocrinology and Diabetes - Year 2015, Vol 2, Issue 4
To achieve ulcer healing of diabetic foot, to avoid any fluid or exudate stasis, surgical drainage of any superficial or deep recess is mandatory. We have designed a surgical procedure of ulcer piercing (UP) and drainage with silastic tube which allows a continuous or daily positive pressure irrigation of any pierced hidden tract. This procedure has been utilize in a continuous series of 35 selected diabetic patients affected by a Wagner stage 3 ulcer of a toe (n=19), metatarsal midfoot (n=10) and plantar Charcot foot (n=6) and with an adequate foot arterial blood supply. 33/35 ulcer have completely healed within 7 months of ulcer piercing procedure while 2 cases of acute Charcot foot after being cleared their infection condition underwent below the knee amputation. Therefore, keeping in mind the advantages and considering the lack of adverse or side effects or contraindications, in our opinion, the Ulcer Piercing (UP) procedure represents a small but effective step toward a better, easier and safer approach in the treatment of complicated diabetic neuropathic foot ulcers with adequate arterial blood supply.
Authors and Affiliations
Cavallini Marco
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