Ultrasonography and Plain X-Ray KUB in Diagnosis of Ureterolithiasis


Background: Ultrasonography and Plain X-Ray KUB plays a very important role in in the Diagnosis and screening of Ureterolithiasis in countries with limited resources. Newer techniques like CT scan have replaced these techniques in developed countries.Objective: to know whether plain KUB with ultrasonography can replace excretory urography in the evaluation of patients with renal colic. Methods: A cross sectional hospital based study carried out during Jan 2011 to JUNE- 2012 include 130 cases of abdominal colic after clinical assessments referred to department of radiodiagnosis JIIU’s Indian Institute of Medical Science and Research, Warudi, Badnapur, Maharashtra. Initially plain abdominal KUB radiograph was done then ultrasonography with hydration followed by excretory urography after proper patient preparation. Appropriate statistical tests were applied. Results: out of 130 patients, maximum number of patients was within the age group 21-30 years and about 80% of patients were above 11-20 years of age. Out of 130 cases 95 (73.07%) were males and 35 (26.92%) were females. There were 46 ureteric stones in 130 patients ((35.38%)). Only KUB could detect 44/46 (95%) and US could detect 9/46(19%) of ureteric stones among 130 patients. The combination of two methods could detect 44/46(95%) of stones while Excretory Urography detected all 46(100%) ureteric stones. Conclusion: US and Plain X-Ray KUB combined are a sensitive technique in viewing Uroterolithiasis.

Authors and Affiliations

Abhay Kasliwal , Siddiqui M


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Abhay Kasliwal, Siddiqui M (2014). Ultrasonography and Plain X-Ray KUB in Diagnosis of Ureterolithiasis. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RECENT TRENDS IN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 9(3), 419-421. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-162681