Ultrasound Guided Biopsy By Free Hand Technique And Its Usefulness
Journal Title: IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS) - Year 2017, Vol 16, Issue 11
Focal liver lesions are one of the most common findings detected in day to day practice. Ultrasound, now a day, has become first choice of investigation for screening of patients with suspected liver diseases as Focal liver lesions mainly comprise of liver abscess, cystic lesions, primary malignant neoplasm metastases, focal fatty infiltrations and hematoma. Due to non-specific signs and symptoms of such lesions and having limitations in diagnosing these lesions by biochemical tests, real-time ultrasonography has been proven as one of the most economical and accurate modality in diagnosis of focal liver lesions. It gives valuable information regarding specific parameters such as site, size, number of lesions, nature of lesions and relation to surrounding structures. Ultrasound is the most suitable imaging modality for biopsy of the liver in terms of versatility, ability to image in real-time, decreased cost, portability and absence of ionizing radiation [1]. This article examines ultrasound-guided liver biopsy, and describes the process involved in Free Hand liver biopsy technique, stressing the advantages of ultrasound in these biopsy procedures
Authors and Affiliations
Dr Nikit Mehta, Dr. Natasha N. Mehta, Dr. Ashishkumar V. Yadav
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