Умови звільнення від відбування покарання вагітних жінок і жінок, які мають дітей віком до трьох років


Статтю присвячено умовам звільнення від відбування покарання вагітних жінок і жінок, які мають дітей віком до трьох років. Цей вид звільнення від відбування покарання є умовним тоді, коли передумовою звільнення від відбування покарання є обмеження волі або позбавлення волі на певний строк. Розкрито зміст семи вимог для остаточного звільнення жінки від відбування покарання. Сприятливі кримінально-правові наслідки настають у випадку виконання всіх семи вимог. The article is devoted to the conditions for the exemption from serving punishment for pregnant women and women who have children under the age of three. The condition for exemption from serving punishment is the requirements for the behavior of the person who must perform it after its exemption. It is emphasized that in the acts of the judiciary, in contrast to scientific approaches, this concept is sometimes filled with another meaning, in which there is a substitution of concepts when the condition is called those phenomena of objective reality, which are already defined by law and judicial practice as a premise or basis release from criminal responsibility or from punishment. This type of exemption from serving punishment has two varieties under the criterion of conditionality. In cases where the precondition for exemption is to serve a sentence in the form of restraint of liberty or term imprisonment, it is conditional, and in cases where such precondition is public or corrective labor – unconditional. The first of these requirements is the prohibition of a woman to abandon the child. The second requirement is to ban a woman from transferring a child to an orphanage. Thirdly, the woman is obliged not to disappear from the place of residence. Fourthly, the woman is obliged not to shy away from the child's upbringing. Fifthly, the woman is obliged not to avoid taking care of the child. Sixth, the woman is obliged not to systematically commit offenses that resulted in administrative penalties and indicate a reluctance to go to the path of correction. Finally, seventhly, a woman released from serving a sentence during the probationary period should not commit a new offense. The condition for the final exemption from serving punishment of a woman is the simultaneous execution of all seven prescribed requirements. Only in this case, in accordance with the law, there are favorable criminal consequences of the expiry of the probationary period. Failure to at least one of them testifies to non-fulfillment of the conditions in general and involves negative criminal consequences. However, no other requirements regarding the conduct of a woman during the probationary period, the execution or non-execution of which would depend on the criminal consequences of her dismissal, can not be included in the condition of dismissal.

Authors and Affiliations

Ганна Василівна Плахотник


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Ганна Василівна Плахотник (2018). Умови звільнення від відбування покарання вагітних жінок і жінок, які мають дітей віком до трьох років. Вісник Луганського державного університету внутрішніх справ імені Е.О. Дідоренка, 84(4), 133-142. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-541458