Un lot de monede descoperite la Cetatea Albă, din colecţia Institutului de Arheologie al Academiei Naţionale de Știinţe a Ucrainei din Kiev
Journal Title: Arheologia Moldovei - Year 2017, Vol 40, Issue 1
The authors are presenting 119 coin finds atested on the territory of the fortress of Bilhorod on the river Dniester (also called Tyras, Akdja Kerman, Asprokastron, Cetatea Albă, Akkerman). The numismatic material have been found during the archaeological excavations, supervised by L. D. Dmitrov in 1946-1947, 1949, 1950 and A. I. Furmanskaya in 1953, 1958-1962 on the South-East of glacis, on the coast of firth. The 119 coin specimens represent various monetary spaces and covered a wide time range. They were minted by Olbia (2 ex.), the Golden Horde (38 ex.), the Despotate of Epirus (1 ex.), the Moldovan medieval state (23 ex.), the Ottoman Empire and it’s imitations (43 ex.), the Crimean Khanate and it’s imitations (2 ex.), the Scotland (1 ex.); imitation of Netherland Thaler (1 ex.) and some unidentified emisions (8 ex.).
Authors and Affiliations
IRINA KARASHEVICH, Ana Boldureanu, Lilia Dergaciova
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