Under the pressure of politics. Amendments to the radio broadcasting and television Legislation
Journal Title: Rocznik Bibliologiczno-Prasoznawczy - Year 2011, Vol 3, Issue 14
The author was of the assumption that the activities of the electronic media (radio broadcasting and television) constitute one of the most significant aspects of polish culture, economy and medial system. Cognizance was also taken of the fact that the importance and role of the polish electronic media do not differ, to a great extcnt, from what obtains in the other European countries. The dis-tinctive feature of the polish medial system, however, is the absence of an up to date law on radio broadcasting and television. There is lack of a regulating law in Poland which would not only have outlined the key aspects necessary for the functioning of these media but would have anticipated them as well. The author came to the conclusion that the cun-ent mandatory law on radio broadcasting and tele-vision is an incoherent and obsolete legał act. At the same time it became one of the basie instruments for the runninig of the public media. A great number of amendments were only designed to address short-term political issues. The attention of the decision makers was focused on personal matters. Politicians were not interested in substantative changes in law modernization and this was due only to the implementation of the European law which came into eflfect after a considerable delay.
Authors and Affiliations
Tomasz Mielczarek
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