Undernutrition assessment of adolescent girls in a light of anthropomethric indexes
Journal Title: Antropomotoryka. Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences - Year 2011, Vol 21, Issue 53
[b]Introduction.[/b] Normal children development is regulated by a complex interaction of many factors, such as hormone all influences, tissue responsiveness and nutrition. Excess and lack of nutrients can have a negative effect on organism. Undernutrition could be affected for example by unfavorable diet, lack of medical care or infection, or fashion for having thin body (shape). Assessing it is very important because repeated malnutrition could depress final stature and could have many rather negative impacts.[b]Aim of the work.[/b] To assess undernutritional state among adolescent rural girls.[b]Material and methods.[/b] The study included 226 adolescent girls (136 of them researched in 2002 yr and 87 – in 2007 yr). The anthropometric measurements were taken on the left side of the body and included: body height, body mass, arm circumference and triceps skinfold’s thickness. Undernutrition status was evaluated using the Cole’s index, upper arm fat area (UFA), upper arm muscle area (UMA) and BAMR (UFA/UMA).[b]Results. [/b]The prevalence of undernutrition was higher in adolescent girls from 2002 (40%), as compared to 2007, especially among late adolescents (16-year-olds).[b]Conclusion.[/b] Our study provides evidence of prevelence of adolescent undernutrition in the rural area. It has been indicated that malnutrition observation in this stage of ontogeny is a very important factor. Fortunately, the research from 2007 has shown decreased number of undernutrition girls with age in comparison to earlier research conducted in 2002. It is necessity of more research connected with questionnaire to improve results interpretation, which is aim of future research for us (for our team).
Authors and Affiliations
Magdalena Krzykała, Urszula Czerniak, Anna Demuth
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