Undesirable side effects revealed by questionnaire in patients under orthodontic treatment
Journal Title: Forum Ortodontyczne - Year 2005, Vol 1, Issue 2
The aim of the study was to assess undesirable sideeffects which were revealed by questionnaire in patientsduring the course of orthodontic treatment.The questionnaire research has included 110 subjects(48 females and 52 males) at the age from 4 to 30 yearstreated by functional and fixed appliances in the Departmentof Orthodontics University of Medical Sciences inPoznań. All patients admitted that they had completedthe assanation of an oral cavity before starting the orthodontictreatment and also they were exposed to the oralhygiene training.The patients fall in an inquiry individually. The firstpart of the inquiry included an interview related to theprevious orthodontic treatment. The examined personsalso answered questions related to the type of an usedappliance, time of duration of the orthodontic therapyand whether the obtained final effect was satisfactory.In the second part, the patients answered nine questionsconcerning subjective complaints in a range of pain,teeth mobility, hypersensitivity to temperature and sweetor sour food, the presence of the discoloration or thelocal loss on the enamel surface.The results of the study show that properly conducteddental care during malocclusion treatment causes thatundesirable symptoms occur in not large percentage ofpatients.
Authors and Affiliations
Maria Borysewicz-Lewicka, Przemysław Kopczyński, Renata Śniatała
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