Unikatowy wymiar kooperacji jako determinanta konkurencyjności klastrów oraz ekspansji regionu

Journal Title: Przedsiębiorstwo i region - Year 2015, Vol 0, Issue 7


The main objective of this study is an attempt to show cooperation and its variations as one of the main factors influencing the growth of competitiveness and success of business entities. Special attention, in view of the importance of cooperation, devoted to the initiation, operation and development of innovative forms of integration links, including those occurring in agribusiness. This was followed by a closer look at the issue of cooperation among companies and a short presentation of concepts, attributes and benefits of clustering. The definition and meaning of coopetition in the cluster structures in terms of their competitiveness, as well as achieving their business success were examined. These deliberations were supported by the findings of the author, as well as other authors, thus enriching the issues examined.

Authors and Affiliations

Roman Chorób


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  • EP ID EP190985
  • DOI 10.15584/pir.2015.7.2
  • Views 92
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How To Cite

Roman Chorób (2015). Unikatowy wymiar kooperacji jako determinanta konkurencyjności klastrów oraz ekspansji regionu. Przedsiębiorstwo i region, 0(7), 7-15. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-190985