University monitoring research: experience and results


The article presents the research of the monitoring that has recently been intensified, as well as radical changes in the organization of Ukrainian universities. Thus, we can observe that researches are gradually changing the goals, and as a result their functional features. Initially, the conduction of monitoring research is related to the definition of the degree of subjective perception of the quality of lecturers’ activity, as well as administrative and organizational changes, but afterwards it performs the functions of control and evaluation. Today the monitoring research is becoming an integral part of inner audit of the quality of educational activity. The problems, which arise, concern both, the quality of monitoring tools and the purpose of monitoring; its results are also connected with the results of efficient activity of subjects in educational process, including the university. It should be noted that, except for the purely internal instrumental functions, in the future, monitoring will become the means of the diagnosis of transparent activity in higher educational institutions. One of such steps is the demonstration of the content and the results of monitoring research, which was conducted at Stepan Gzhytskyi National University of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies Lviv during 2008–2016, especially the results since 2010, as they enable us to compare. The authors give emphasis to the monitoring stages, analyzing the objectives, content and results. The data analysis of the research is the basis for the new approaches formation, concerning the university as a subject. This study stimulates the development of similar practices at other universities. First of all, it will encourage the transparency in their activities; secondly, the exchange of experience in the formation of internal system of quality, and finally, this work is essential in the creation of common space for international relations and significant inter-university research.

Authors and Affiliations

O. Smolinska, M. Drach, K. Dzyubynska


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  • EP ID EP295290
  • DOI 10.15421/nvlvet8630
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How To Cite

O. Smolinska, M. Drach, K. Dzyubynska (2018). University monitoring research: experience and results. Науковий вісник Львівського національного університету ветеринарної медицини та біотехнологій імені С.З. Гжицького, 20(86), 153-160.