Unıversıty Students’ Sport Partıcıpatıon Rate: A Case Study Of Istanbul
Journal Title: International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention - Year 2018, Vol 7, Issue 5
This study aims to determine sport and physical activity participation rate of university students studying in Istanbul.In this context, questionnaires were submitted to 1000 persons, selected among 525.612 students who were studying at a university in Istanbul in 2018, by Istanbul Commerce University, Sport Industry Research and Application Center and 942 unproblematic questionnaires were obtained. The questions were adapted from the questionnaire including 17 questions that were used in order to measure sport and physical activity of Eurobarometer. The sport and physical activity participation rate of students studying in Istanbul was analysed by means of SPSS 23 pocket program. According to the findings of the study, the rate of university students’ sport participation in Istanbul was identified as 36.69% on average.
Authors and Affiliations
Gülçin Tapşın, Mefule Findikci
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