Upadek u szczytu kariery. Ostatnie lata Józefa Kazimierza Kossakowskiego (1792-1794)

Journal Title: Zeszyty Naukowe Zbliżenia Cywilizacyjne - Year 2017, Vol 0, Issue 2


The period between 1792 and the hanging of Józef Kazimierz Kossakowski in 1794 was dynamic in his career. He played an important role in fast organisation of the confederation in Lithuania. Later, along with his brother Szymon, they established the rule of political terror which due to the emergency acts turned into looting of their enemies’ properties. Kossakowski brothers became problematic to the point that a new Russian envoy Jakob Sievers decided to finish their ruling. It was a partial success though, because the brothers were needed to legitimize the partition of Poland on the Grodno Sejm. They had contributed to it a lot, evoking even more hatred towards them. Having no possibility to turn back, Józef Kazimierz knew that he could rely only on Russian protectors. He tried then to do everything to pacify Warsaw, where one could feel the acceleration of conspiratorial work. The advices given by the Bishop to, in case of problems, use armed forces against the citizens of the capital city, finally plunged him. The uprising’s breakout found Kossakowski in Warsaw. After a short time in prison, under the pressure of citizens, he was sentenced to death and hanged, along with his brother, who had been killed in Wilno. However, this tragic ending cannot overshadow many dimensions of the character of Józef Kazimierz Kossakowski, an enlightened Sarmatian, whose career should be considered in a broader context.

Authors and Affiliations

Kamil Michaluk


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  • EP ID EP301040
  • DOI 10.21784/ZC.2017.009
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How To Cite

Kamil Michaluk (2017). Upadek u szczytu kariery. Ostatnie lata Józefa Kazimierza Kossakowskiego (1792-1794). Zeszyty Naukowe Zbliżenia Cywilizacyjne, 0(2), 28-48. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-301040