Updated review on methods to determine dental pulp vitality

Journal Title: Journal of Stomatology (Czasopismo Stomatologiczne) - Year 2014, Vol 67, Issue 6


Introduction. Pulp vitality is the capacity of the pulp tissue to respond to electrical, thermal or mechanical stimuli. Evaluation of the connective tissue is necessary to make a proper diagnosis and to undertake an appropriate therapy. Aim of the study. To present information about different methods of pulp assessment, their universality, efficacy, sensitivity, specificity and reproducibility, based on a thorough revision of the literature. Results. The review revealed that the following methods of assessment of pulp vitality are known, but used with different frequency: cold and heat tests, electrical test, drilling test, anesthesia test, Laser Dopppler Flowmetry, pulse oximetry, measurement of the tooth surface temperature, transillumination, spectrophotometry, photoplethysmography, and uv fluorescence. Conclusions. The study highlighted that the most common method to assess dental pulp vitality, which is practised in dentistry, is still the cold test with the use of ethyl chloride cooling aerosol. Worthwhile are methods based on physical phenomena – Laser Dopppler Flowmetry and pulse oximetry. They are noninvasive, objective, credible, effective and useful in cases when other diagnostic methods fail. Although time consuming, these methods are more repeatable than thermal or electrical tests.

Authors and Affiliations

Olga Rudzka, Rodrigo A. Giacaman, Renata Chałas


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How To Cite

Olga Rudzka, Rodrigo A. Giacaman, Renata Chałas (2014). Updated review on methods to determine dental pulp vitality. Journal of Stomatology (Czasopismo Stomatologiczne), 67(6), 872-886. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-77111