The emotional state of patients with temporomandibular joint dysfunction and other dental disorders.

Journal Title: Journal of Stomatology (Czasopismo Stomatologiczne) - Year 2012, Vol 65, Issue 1


The results of the author's own study showed that the presence of disorders in the oral cavity region has a negative effect on the psychological state. We decided to assess the emotional state of healthy persons, with temporomandibular joint dysfunction, and patients who sought dental treatment for other disorders of the stomatognathic system (ss). The objective was to assess the correlation between the state of emotional tension and other diseases in the oral cavity region, taking into account in temporomandibular joint dysfunction. Material and method. The material comprised 397 patients: group I - 249 diagnosed with disorders of the stomatognathic system, group II - 100 with no symptoms of temporomandibular joint dysfunction but with other oral cavity disorders, group III – 48 with no disorders of the ss. The patients were tested using the Helkimo anamnestic test, the Beck depression scale and a clinical Helkimo questionnaire. When the results were analysed according to the Beck scale, persons aged up to 25 were analysed separately. Results. The correlation between the mean and median of depression for groups II and III was statistically significant. Analysis showed that the correlation in percentage terms between the presence of depression in persons from groups II and III was also statistically significant. This can be interpreted as confirming a correlation between the deterioration in the mood of patients and the presence of disorders in the oral cavity region. A statistically significant result was obtained regarding the correlation between the value of the depression median for the group of patients up to 25 years of age and the mean value for all the respondents. Conclusion. A deterioration was observed in the emotional state of patients with disorders of the ss who received dental treatment, which may have an effect on the course of their treatment.

Authors and Affiliations

Jolanta Loster, Aneta Wieczorek, Stanisław Majewski


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How To Cite

Jolanta Loster, Aneta Wieczorek, Stanisław Majewski (2012). The emotional state of patients with temporomandibular joint dysfunction and other dental disorders.. Journal of Stomatology (Czasopismo Stomatologiczne), 65(1), 39-47.