Uplifting forces in the classroom, quality in education and professionalism of teachers

Journal Title: Studia z Teorii Wychowania - Year 2018, Vol 0, Issue 3


The Speech 'Uplifting forces in the classroom, quality in education and professionalism of teachers' delivered by Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Schwendemann refers to the PISA Report and Martin Buber's principle of 'uplifting forces' in a dialogue-based structured class. The capability of dialogue strengthens the component of relationship between student and teacher. Martin Buber aims to strengthen and develop the personality of both teacher and student. The pivotal argument for a good relationship between student and teacher is, additional to the capability of dialogue the trust, which improves the self-efficacy and the self-worth of a person. This is formed mainly by the authenticity of the other person. Through measuring the quality of education in a class, the individual learning process should be made possible, be maintained, be improved and be assessed. Beneficial, by looking at the relation between didactics and methods, are mainly the tactics that are focused on the process and the impact it has on the students. The quality of the education is then looked at, with a list of the broad expectations towards a teacher. Ultimately the deciding factor for a better quality and professionalism in the class or learning environment is the quality of the relationships, like Martin Buber's principle on the 'ability of dialogue' says. <br/><br/>

Authors and Affiliations

Wilhelm Schwendemann


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Wilhelm Schwendemann (2018). Uplifting forces in the classroom, quality in education and professionalism of teachers. Studia z Teorii Wychowania, 0(3), -. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-559940