Управління проектами як об’єкт програмно-математичного моделювання складних технічних систем

Journal Title: Математичне моделювання - Year 2017, Vol 1, Issue 2


PROJECT MANAGEMENT AS AN OBJECT OF MATHEMATICAL MODELING OF COMPLEX TECHNICAL SYSTEMS Grigorenko V.Y., Kadilnikova T.M. Abstract Currently managing projects consistently serves as a systematic information and analytical process, the effectiveness of which depends on the level of modern information technologies and systems to support decision-making; the perfection of the modern mathematical models and computational methods; versatility and mobility systems hardware and software simulation. Despite the fact that in recent time gained significant scientific-theoretical and methodological potential in the development of hardware and software methods and tools for modelling complex technical objects, systems research, which allows working with mathematical and computer modelling of the current state of the project, actually not yet carried out. The purpose of this work is to carry out systematic research, allowing to prove the feasibility of works on mathematical and computer modelling of the technical state of the project. The proposed system, which is based on complex theoretical and informational methods and means of determining the parameters, setting their interrelationships and patterns of influence on the characteristics of the project, justified by its functions and characteristics. The application of systems of assessment allows to predict the direction of innovation and to design systems based on object-oriented approach. The combination of a mathematical, technological and organizational component in the framework of a unified strategy allows the organizations and executives to draw conclusions about the nature of possible management decisions, the timing of their adoption. References [1] Mironovskiy L.A. Funktsional'noye diagnostirovaniye dinamicheskikh sistem / Mironovskiy L.A. - M .: MGU-GRIF, 1998. - 256 s. [2] Drogaytsev V.S. Metody i sredstva obespecheniya nadezhnosti tekhnicheskikh sistem / Drogaytsev V.S., Fillipov YU.S., Kurasheva V.V.– Saratov: SGTU, 1997. – 428 s. [3] Yakovenko V.B. Vvedeniye v innovatsionnyye tekhnologii / Yakovenko V.B. – M .: Iz-vo Yevropeyskogo un-ta, 2002. – 134 s. [4] Bentler P. EQS Structural Equations Program ManualStatistic / Bentler P. // Los Angeles: BMDP Statistical Software Inc. – 1993. – 456 p. [5] Bukhshtaber V.M. Mnogomernyy statisticheskiy analiz i veroyatnostnoye modelirovaniye real'nykh protsessov / V.M.Bukhshtaber, V.K.Masolov, V.G.Markin .– M .: Nauka, 1990. – 128s. [6] Kalashnikov V.I. Informatsionno-izmeritel'naya tekhnika i tekhnologiya / V.I.Kalashnikov, S.V.Nefedov.–M .: Vysshaya shkola, 2002.–452s. [7] Kushnir A.F. Kompensatsiya pomekh v mnogomernykh fizicheskikh nablyudeniyakh / A.F.Kushnir, V.F.Pisarenko // Metody i algoritmy interpretatsii seysmicheskomu dannykh.– M .: Nauka, 1980. –S. 146–151. [8] Sobolev V.S. Programmnoye obespecheniye sovremennykh sistem sbora i obrabotki izmeritel'noy informatsii / Sobolev V.S .// Pribory i sistemy upravleniya. – 1998. – № 1. C.55–63. [9] Bekh A.D. Avtomaticheskiye seti sbora i peredachi tekhnologicheskoy informatsii / A.D.Bekh, V.V.Chernetskiy // Upravlyayushchiye sistemy i mashiny. – 1995. – № 4–5. – S.33–36. [10] Kadil'nikova T.M. Informatsionnyye i upravlyayushchiye sistemy otsenki tekhnicheskogo sostoyaniya mashin / A.Ye.Provolotskiy, T.M.Kadil'nikova //. Vestnik Natsional'nogo tekhnicheskogo universiteta «Khar'kovskiy politekhnicheskiy institut» .– 2005.–№ 24.– S.171–177. [11] Kadil'nikova T.M. Sistemy upravleniya monitoringovym innova-tsionnymi proyektami v sovremennykh usloviyakh / Kulik V.A.,. Shinkovs'ka I.L., Zayats I.P., Dinnik YU.A. Teoriya i praktika metallurgii №3–6 Dnepropetrovsk 2015, s. 97–100.

Authors and Affiliations

В. У. Григоренко, Т. М. Кадильникова


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How To Cite

В. У. Григоренко, Т. М. Кадильникова (2017). Управління проектами як об’єкт програмно-математичного моделювання складних технічних систем. Математичне моделювання, 1(2), 60-62. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-276918