URBAN COMMUNITY IN CRISIS? Image and Processes of Transformation of the Post-Industrial City. Example of Lodz
Journal Title: Miscellanea Anthropologica et Sociologica - Year 2018, Vol 19, Issue 1
The main issue in this article is the change of image of the (post) industrial city. The example of Lodz, a city identified with industry as well as poverty, neglect and lack of development prospects is therefore not accidental. Is that still true? To what extent does the image of an attractive post-industrial city replace the negative image of the city? The answer to this question is an attempt to observe conscious references, expressed in a specific way of perceiving the city, to the advancement of the transformation process of a post-industrial city. The presented results confirm that the image of the city which in the sense of hybrids loses its industrial character and acquires the characteristics of the post-industrial city, mainly in the spatial-architectural aspect. However, there is still a negative image of the city with low quality of life and quality of living.<br/><br/>
Authors and Affiliations
Agnieszka Michalska-Żyła
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