URBAN COMMUNITY IN CRISIS? Katowice – My Private City
Journal Title: Miscellanea Anthropologica et Sociologica - Year 2018, Vol 19, Issue 1
The article is an attempt to apply the concept of a private city to the analysis of Katowice (author’s private city). The author starts with a reminder of the basic thesis of the concept of the private city by Andrzej Majer. Next paragraphs focus on a literature describing Katowice. The following part is devoted to the most meaningful points in the past of the city. The author uses the research results he authored or co-authored. The last part of this article is an attempt to show the present situation of a private city, a transformation of Katowice and problems the city has to cope with.<br/><br/>
Authors and Affiliations
Tomasz Nawrocki
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