Usage of some innovation technologies directed onto ideal traces actualization
Journal Title: ПИТАННЯ БОРОТЬБИ ЗІ ЗЛОЧИННІСТЮ - Year 2016, Vol 2, Issue 32
The article is dedicated to research of innovation technology usage directed onto ideal traces actualization. The main directions of incaleation the innovation technology into the search activities are shown. There is a place of new scientific-technological means for searching, gathering and preliminary provements research in this article. Some seperate scientific-technological means are looked upon, that are directed to ideal traces actualization. The functional purposes and possibilities of science-technical means, directed onto ideal traces actualization are analyzed. The attention is paid to the perspective direction of ideal traces research (emotional reactions ) of the investigating person without contact technical means usage. It was proved the position according to the usage of poligraph doesn’t state, open the essence and exclude the ideal traces and only permits to judge indirectly about their presence from the questioner. Some most effective technic-criminalistic methods for actualization of ideal traces are defined and also their essence containing pecularities and possibilities of their usage are viewed. The accent is made on seperate discussion questions as to usage of scientific technical means directed onto actualization of ideal traces. The opinion as to the correlation of criminalistic technique in the usage of criminal tactic is given.
Authors and Affiliations
D. V. Zatenatskiy
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