Use of Nanotechnology in Medical Biochemistry

Journal Title: Europeanatolia Health Sciences Journal - Year 2024, Vol 2, Issue 1


Dear Editor Nanotechnology has an important place in the field of biochemistry/chemistry. The utilisation of nanotechnology in this field is of great importance. We would like to emphasise the importance and effects of nanotechnology in the field of chemistry and highlight the recent developments in this field. Nanotechnology has become an important focus of interest in the field of chemistry in recent years. This technology enables the design and production of new materials by controlling matter at the atomic or molecular level. In particular, the unique physical, chemical and optical properties of nanomaterials lead to revolutionary applications in many fields. Research shows that nanotechnology has great potential in various fields such as medicine, electronics, energy storage, environmental protection and materials science. For example, more effective and less invasive methods can be developed in cancer treatment with the use of nanoparticles. In addition, energy technologies such as solar cells and battery storage systems can be made more efficient thanks to nanotechnology (1-5). In this context, the role and impact of nanotechnology in the field of chemistry should be understood more comprehensively. More research and co-operation is needed to fully exploit the potential of this technology and to translate it into industrial applications. I would like to ask you to publish articles in the field of nanotechnology to bring this important topic to a wider audience and to encourage scientists to do more work in this field. Best regards.

Authors and Affiliations

Fatmanur Zeytindal


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Fatmanur Zeytindal (2024). Use of Nanotechnology in Medical Biochemistry. Europeanatolia Health Sciences Journal, 2(1), -.