Use of optical microscopy for evaluation of tooth structure
Journal Title: Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering - Year 2016, Vol 79, Issue 1
Purpose: There are many methods of examining tooth anatomy: some of them areapplicable to the hard tissues, while others to the pulp and the root canal system. Everymethod has some advantages and disadvantages in terms of revealing specific anatomicalor histological details of the tooth. The objective of the present work was to assess the useof macroscopic microscopy for evaluation of tooth anatomy and to compare the obtainedimages with those produced by the radiovisiographic method.Design/methodology/approach: The study involved 4 upper canines extracted forperiodontal reasons from patients of different age and sex. Initially, radiological images weretaken in the vestibular-lingual and lateral projections by the radiovisiographic method using aKODAK 2000 system with a KODAK 6100 sensor. Subsequently, the specimens were groundwith sandpaper and consecutive dental cross-sections were captured at approximately 0.05mm increments using a NIKON AZ100 multizoom microscope.Findings: The presented method, using side illumination and a digital capture devicetransferring the images to a computer, enables evaluation of tooth anatomy in terms of bothshape and internal structure, and offers the dimensioning functionality.Practical implications: Optical microscopy is a cheap method of examining the hardtissues of the tooth, including restorative materials, and for evaluating the development ofprimary and secondary dentin, as well as dentin affected by bacterial infection. A microscopeused in conjunction with good software provides many opportunities for easy examinationand dimensioning of particular anatomical features of the tooth on consecutive planes.Originality/value: This is an honest methods review and analysis which are applied inmodern prosthetics.
Authors and Affiliations
K. Banaszek, J. Sawicki, E. Wołowiec-Korecka, D. Danowska-Klonowska
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