Use of plasma technologies for the protection of radioelectronic means from the influence of electromagnetic radiation
Journal Title: Вісник Національного технічного університету "ХПІ" Серія: Нові рішення у сучасних технологіях - Year 2017, Vol 53, Issue 0
The urgency of the improvement of methods and means of protection of radio electronic means (REM) due to the development and application of high-power electromagnetic radiation (EMR) generators with ultrashort pulses duration (UPD) is substantiated. It is pointed out that it is possible to solve the problem of REM protection by the complex application of plasma technologies using gaseous and modified solid-state media. By analyzing the known achievements in the field of developing effective methods and creating protection facilities for REM, a number of unresolved problems in the field of creation of plasma protection technologies have been determined. The technique of solving the formulated problems is presented and the main relations are obtained to determine the expediency of using the proposed technology in the interests of the REM integrated protection from the powerful EMR UPD. A relation is made for the breakdown criterion in a gaseous plasma medium that relates the value of the breakdown field to the concentration of charged particles determined by the ionization source. The structure of a solid-state plasma medium is described, which can be used as a protective shield. The order of finding the REM screening coefficient is shown, based on the determination of the distribution function of charged particles for finding the main macroscopic properties of plasma by solving the kinetic equation of the Lenard-Balescu equation. A relation is given for the damping coefficient of an electromagnetic wave in solidstate plasma. Numerical estimates are presented in the form of graphs showing the possibility of using plasma technology to protect the REM from a powerful EMR through possible channels of penetration. The discussion of the obtained results is presented and it is indicated on the possibility and prospects of using the proposed technology for REM protection, especially with limitations on the weight dimensions of protection devices.
Authors and Affiliations
Alexander Sotnikov, Maksim Yasechko
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