Use of some microbial enzymes and their compositions against phytopathogenes in agricultural areas

Journal Title: Бюллетень науки и практики - Year 2017, Vol 3, Issue 12


Enzymatic hydrolysis the lignocellulose substrates (wood sawdust, wheat bran, bard), brought in a nutrient medium are given as a carbon source for cultivation of fungus and actinomycetes, producers of making components of a bio stimulator which is used in agriculture for cultivation of cotton plant. It was established that among examinees of substrat spirit grain the bard in experimentally picked up concentration (10-50%) it appeared a full-fledged substratum for the active growth developments and antibiotic enzymatic making with use to which can be prepared rather cheap and effective preparation is providing for increase in productivity and decrease in incidence of crops in agriculture. At the current time using biological methods of cultivation and protection of environment is the most important link in cultivation of ecologically safe agricultural production. The biological methods of protection of plants is recognized as the most resource-saving reception, allowing to protect plants from diseases, wreckers and to increase their efficiency without expenses of irreplaceable natural resources and without harmful emissions in environment. The microorganisms used for production of valuable biological products, promote supply of plants not only elements of mineral food, but also physiologically active agents (enzymes, phytohormons, vitamins, etc.). Studying of enzymatic activity and efficiency of culture of fungus of Pleurotus ostreatus UZBI-I 105, Aspergillus terreus 9, and actinomycete Streptomyces sp. 166 on cheap the lignocellulose substrat for development of effective biotechnology of a biological product for increase in productivity and protection of crops against wreckers of phytopathogenes was the purpose of the real work.

Authors and Affiliations

Zakhro Akhmedova, Ziyoda Khamraeva, Munavar Yakhyaeva


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  • DOI 10.5281/zenodo.1101139
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How To Cite

Zakhro Akhmedova, Ziyoda Khamraeva, Munavar Yakhyaeva (2017). Use of some microbial enzymes and their compositions against phytopathogenes in agricultural areas. Бюллетень науки и практики, 3(12), 35-41.