Use of the Markowitz Portfolio Optimization Model: An Application on the Individual Retirement Investment Funds
Journal Title: Muhasebe ve Finansman Dergisi - Year 2015, Vol 17, Issue 68
Individual retirement system, which is complementary to the public social security system inTurkey, is based on voluntary participation basis. Savings are transferred to pension funds in theindividual retirement system offering the opportunity to make regular savings. Savings to betransferred which funds are determined by the participants. Participant's attitude to risk and returnexpectations comes to the forefront in the investment phase. Fund allocation can be changed takinginto account economic and market conditions as needed. In this study, creating optimal portfolios areaimed for the current and/or the potential participants of the individual retirement system in Turkey.For this purpose, within the scope of modern portfolio theory developed by Harry Markowitz (1952)the process was carried out. As a result, It was determined that the funds should be invested mainlylocated in the medium and high-risk groups of funds depending on the expected return increase. Incase of return expectations fall, it was observed a significant decrease that the rate of high-riskpension funds in the portfolio.
Authors and Affiliations
Hasan Uygurtürk, Turhan Korkmaz
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