User Education of University Library in India with special reference to University of Gour Banga


Outreach of human knowledge can be generated with the availability of relevant information. In this context user education plays an important role to acquire such information. This paper is a modest attempt to signify the user education among different university libraries of India. As a selected University library in India, the user education programme in University of Gour Banga and the issues like user education programme, method of teaching user education are made a notable impact towards information seekers and library professionals. All University libraries including University of Gour Banga facilitated both quality of services and information. Features and planning programme of user education under university library are critically examined. To prepare the study, In secondary information is adopted.

Authors and Affiliations

Madhusree Basak


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  • EP ID EP288438
  • DOI 10.24321/2395.2288.201806
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How To Cite

Madhusree Basak (2018). User Education of University Library in India with special reference to University of Gour Banga. Journal of Advanced Research in Library and Information Science, 5(1), 36-41.