Using of Herbal Product in Patients 

Journal Title: Journal of Clinical and Analytical Medicine - Year 2012, Vol 3, Issue 3


Aim: This study has been conducted to determine of outpatients’ level of knowledge and perspectives with herbal products therapy (phytotherapy) and herbal products. Material and Method: Present study is designed with the participation of the outpatients coming to a family practice clinic in Ankara between July 2008 and April 2009. This study is a type of descriptive study. In this research, a specifically developed questionnaire including 8 questions was applied for the patients. Results: 310 patients participated in to the research in this study. The mean age was 55,3. The 31,9% (99 people) of the participants was male and the 68,1% (211 people) of the participants was female. The 84,5% of the participating patients stated that they applied or interested in phytotherapy. There was not statistically significant difference between age and interest in phytotherapy (p=0,243). There was not statistically significant difference between gender and interest in phytotherapy (p=0,065). Considering the use of herbal products among patients with chronic disease and without chronic disease there was no significant difference (p=0,754). Discussion: The present study shows the high tendency of herbal products use among patients. In our opinion; it is an important issue to argue that the most frequently cited source of information about herbal product is media and friends. 

Authors and Affiliations

Gamsizkan Zerrin, Yücel Alev, Kartal Murat


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  • EP ID EP155943
  • DOI : 10.4328/JCAM.717
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How To Cite

Gamsizkan Zerrin, Yücel Alev, Kartal Murat (2012). Using of Herbal Product in Patients . Journal of Clinical and Analytical Medicine, 3(3), 300-302.