Using of social networks by a diplomatic service of the Republic of Poland


Due to the fast development of modern information technologies, the world began to experience fundamental and dynamic changes. These changes have affected diplomatic services around the world. The Republic of Poland is the state that actively began to use new media as an instrument for realizing its foreign policy. In the XXI century, diplomacy requires “allies” not only between the heads of states, governments or influential organizations, but also between the societies. In order to reach such a wide circle of people, diplomatic services have begun to use social networks, microblogging services. Polish diplomacy, using these technologies, tries to distribute information about the country and strengthen its positive image. At official government portals and official pages of the Polish government in social networks there is information on the position of Poland in various international issues, various diplomatic meetings are highlighted, all of which helps to inform the population of both Poland itself and other countries. As a result, such actions make it possible to create a certain image of the state in the world. Today, Polish diplomacy is actively using sucm new media services such as Twitter, Facebook, Flickr and Youtube as a tool to promote its own country on the world stage. These services are mostly used by the embassies of Poland. Political figures and diplomats use these services only for expressing their opinions, which may not regulate the official position of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The most active Polish diplomacy uses microblogging service „Twitter”. Statistical indicators confirm this: 160 diplomatic establishments in Poland have accounts in this service; instead, only 89 diplomatic institutions have their profiles in the social network Facebook, and only 40 in the service „Youtube”. After conducting this study, we can conclude that the degree of use of social networks by the Polish diplomatic service is quite large. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is actively monitoring the development of new media, using it in its foreign policy activities for the popularization of the Republic of Poland on the world.

Authors and Affiliations

І. В. Тихоненко, А. М. Рудюк


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І. В. Тихоненко, А. М. Рудюк (2018). Using of social networks by a diplomatic service of the Republic of Poland. Вісник Національного технічного університету України “Київський політехнічний інститут”. Політологія. Соціологія. Право., 4(), 57-61.