Using Teaching Effectiveness Scale as Measurement for Quality Teaching


Teaching effectiveness among lecturers is an important factor to ensure high quality graduates are produced to meet the current demands of industries. Therefore, most universities in Malaysia have started to place emphasis on the quality of lecturers to produce graduates who are globally competitive. The aim of this study is to assess the reliability of teaching effectiveness components on teaching quality among lecturers. The study used a survey research design focusing on a quantitative method using survey questionnaires. A total of 275 permanent lecturers from selected universities were chosen through simple random sampling. Lecturers’ teaching effectiveness was determined using the teaching effectiveness framework of Aregbeyen (2010) which comprises the components of analytical approach, clarity of teaching, lecturer-group interaction, lecturer-individual student interaction and enthusiasm of lecturer. This article demonstrates what great lecturers do to promote students’ learning in class. Reliability was determined using Cronbach’s alpha for internal consistency. The results of the Cronbach’s alpha coefficients showed acceptable and satisfactory internal consistencies. Cronbach’s alpha coefficients for analytical approach, clarity of teaching and lecturer-individual student interaction confirmed the adequacy of the internal consistencies of these scales. Although the internal consistency for lecturer-group interaction and enthusiasm of lecturer were lower in comparison to the overall five components, the results obtained can still be considered as reliable. The findings suggest that the components of the framework are valid and reliable for assessing teaching effectiveness among lecturers.

Authors and Affiliations

Syahrina Hayati Md. Jani, Siti Asiah Md. Shahid, Mary Thomas, Peter Francis, Fatanah Jislan


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  • EP ID EP569355
  • DOI 10.6007/IJARBSS/v8-i9/4704
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How To Cite

Syahrina Hayati Md. Jani, Siti Asiah Md. Shahid, Mary Thomas, Peter Francis, Fatanah Jislan (2019). Using Teaching Effectiveness Scale as Measurement for Quality Teaching. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(9), 1394-1404.