Uti caj direktive solventnost II na sektor osiguranja u Evropi - The Impact of the Solvency II Directive on the Insurance Sector in Europe

Journal Title: Godisnjak Fakulteta pravnih nauka - Year 2017, Vol 7, Issue 7


Solvency of insurance companies, its conservati on, regulati on and control is the basis for the healthy functi oning of the insurance market. Solvency is an indicator of stability and security of the companies, as well as the guarantor of executi on of obligati ons. The Solvency II Directi ve was adopted on 25th of November 2009. She announced big changes in the insurance and reinsurance law, both EU member countries and non-member countries, when it comes to the solvency of the company. The main reason for the adopti on of the new directi ve is strengthening of the integrated market in insurance and reinsurance law through harmonized legal rules. Solvency II aims at a common market, working permit in one member State allows the company carrying out acti viti es in all other member countries. Also, during the implementati on of the new directi ve the countries should have the same rights of protecti on of the insured. For both requirements is necessary that the supervision rules are agreed and converged all across Europe. In this paper author analyzes infl uence of the Solvency II on EU member countries, and to non-EU countries, the state of security in Europe, as well as the extent to which some of the countries harmonized their legislati on with the Directi ve. Rezime: Solventnost osiguravajućih kompanija, njeno očuvanje, regulati va i kontrola predstavlja osnovu zdravog funkcionisanja tržišta osiguranja. Solventnost je pokazatelj stabilnosti i sigurnosti kompanije, kao i garant izvršenja dospelih obaveza. Direkti va Solventnost II je usvojena 25. novembra 2009. godine. Ona je najavila značajne promene u pravu osiguranja i reosiguranja, kako zemalja članica EU, tako i zemalja nečlanica, kada je u pitanju solventnost društva. Glavni razlog usvajanja nove direkti ve je jačanje jedinstvenog tržišta osiguranja i reosiguranja preko harmonizovanih zakonskih pravila radi veće zašti - te osiguranika. Solventnost II cilja na zajedničko tržište, tj. dozvola za rad u jednoj državi članici dopušta društvu obavljanje delatnosti u svim drugim zemljama članicama. Takode, tokom implementacije nove direkti ve treba da važe ista prava zašti te osiguranika. Za oba zahteva je potrebno da propisi o nadzoru budu usaglašeni i konvergovani širom Evrope.1 U radu ce pre svega biti reči o uti caju koji je direkti va Solventnost II izvršila kako na zemlje članice, tako i na nečlanice EU, o stanju osiguranja u Evropi uopšte, kao i meri u kojoj su neke od zemalja uskladile svoje zakonodavstvo sa direktivom.

Authors and Affiliations

Iva Tošić


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  • EP ID EP245060
  • DOI 10.7251/GFP1707301T
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How To Cite

Iva Tošić (2017). Uti caj direktive solventnost II na sektor osiguranja u Evropi - The Impact of the Solvency II Directive on the Insurance Sector in Europe. Godisnjak Fakulteta pravnih nauka, 7(7), 301-313. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-245060