Values Patterns Shift in the Context of Transition from Modern to Postmodern Situations

Journal Title: Мultiversum. Philosophical almanac - Year 2016, Vol 0, Issue 5


In the article there is investigated the problem of defining the factors having impact on the society in the whole and particularly during the process of its transition from modern to postmodern situation. Through comparison with the process having taken place during the transition from a rural to industrial society, as well as from a natural state to artificial one, there is considered the set of factors influencing economics growth and promoting well-being in the society (open access order, actual organizations, institutions, particular beliefs, systems of norms and values). While the process mentioned involves different factors and their mode makes them viable, in general, there can be outlined the points leading in a society to a certain strategy aimed at the changes being sought for. There are also suggested the grounds for the thesis that modern social development is simultaneously connected both with the state-of-art information and communication technologies and with improvement of the human capital asset and the institutions providing its further development.

Authors and Affiliations

Vitaliy Lyakh


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How To Cite

Vitaliy Lyakh (2016). Values Patterns Shift in the Context of Transition from Modern to Postmodern Situations. Мultiversum. Philosophical almanac, 0(5), 3-17.