Variation in Seed Characteristic among Anatolian Black Pine Populations


The study was carried out on characteristics of seed collected from eight seed stand and two seed orchard populations of Anatolian black pine [Pinus nigra Arn. subsp. pallasiana. (Lamb.) Holmboe.] to estimate variation and correlations among characteristics, and also comparison of the populations for characteristics. Averages of seed width and seed length were 6.77 mm and 3.75 mm in polled populations, while they ranged from 6.50 to 7.38 for the seed width, and from 3.55 to 4.03 for seed length, respectively. Averages of seed weight and germination percentage were 2.40 g and 61.55 % in polled populations. Statistically significant differences (0.05>p) for the seed width, seed length and germination percentage were found among populations based on results of analysis of variance. Beside, statistically significant and positive correlations (0.05>p) were found among seed width, seed length and seed weight, while they were not significant (0.05<p) effective on germination percentage.

Authors and Affiliations

Durmus Cetinkaya, Mahmut Cercioglu


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How To Cite

Durmus Cetinkaya, Mahmut Cercioglu (2017). Variation in Seed Characteristic among Anatolian Black Pine Populations. International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology (IJRASET), 5(3), -.