Journal Title: Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Філологія - Year 2018, Vol 11, Issue 19
У статті досліджено найпоширеніші мовні засоби вираження політичної коректності у друкованих засобах масової інформації. Розглянуто поняття евфемізації та її основні прагматичні функції на прикладі консервативних та ліберальних англомовних видань. This article explores common language means of expression political correctness in the print media. The concept of euphemism and its main pragmatic functions are investigated on the example of conservative and liberal English-language publications. The phenomenon of political correctness was actualized in the media discourse, as journalists are increasingly turning to replacement the potentially offensive lexics into more correct. It is a linguistic and cultural phenomenon, which means avoiding the use of expressions that relate to gender, age, race, intellectual ability, physical condition, nationality, etc., and may be offensive to other people. This phenomenon is actualized with the help of euphemism, the essence of which is the replacement of words that may sound rude and unpleasant in order to avoid direct nomination of an object, event or phenomenon, concealing or softening its denotation. Some scientists believe that the concepts of political correctness and euphemism are identical, but the majority of scholars think they complement each other: the first is a method of cultural behavior and the second is an instrument to carry out this way of behavior. The three main functions of euphemism are softening of the rough and unpleasant nomination for the speaker, softening of the rough and unpleasant nomination for the interlocutor and masking of reality for hiding some negative facts. For example, the phrase «children with special needs» is a correct substitute for «invalid, cripple, disabled child» or the function of the expression «have traded insults» in the sentence: «President Trump and John Bolton, his newly designated national security adviser, both have traded insults with North Korean leaders…» is to conceal a conflict situation between two politicians. Some phrases considered to be euphemisms may have a direct translation, but it’s important to investigate the pragmatic situation which sometimes allows understanding the hidden definition of the words. For example, the phrase «malign activity» is translated directly and, in the same time, is used as an euphemism to soften and hide the real aggression from one country to another. There are many ways of euphemisation at different levels of language: metaphor, periphrasis, synecdoche, metalepsis, elevation, paronymic replacement, antifreeze, etc. The article exposes concrete examples of using these and other methods in the English press and the functions of euphemisms, created by these ways, in a particular pragmatic situation are also analyzed.
Authors and Affiliations
Ірина Петрівна Волощук, Катерина Валеріївна Мартищенко
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