Vertical gardens as a means of dealing with air pollution in China. A case of Nanjing
Journal Title: Topiarius. Studia krajobrazowe - Year 2017, Vol 1, Issue 4
The air pollution in China has grown to be the country's most important socio-economical issue. In order to deal with this crisis the government prioritised the implementation of projects that aim to reduce and błock the further growth ofthe phenomena. One of thern is the return to traditional chinese garden design which is the epitome ofthe country's culture. This paper, with the case of Nanjing Yertical Foreat as an example, outlines the use of vertical gardens as a means of reduction of air pollution in the agę of deepening urbanisation and increase in population density, that also results in construction land availability crisis. Additionally, the author would like to discuss the local property law that influences the land management in People's Republic of China and successful pitching of similar garden investments.
Authors and Affiliations
Anna Pączek
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