Vicarious Liability in European Union Law

Journal Title: Lex portus - Year 2017, Vol 4, Issue 2


The article is devoted to the analysis of features of species and legal forms of subsidiary legal responsibility in European Union law. Particular attention is paid to the responsibility of the member states of the European Union for violating the general constitutional principles of the union structure, the responsibility of the Member States over the supranational institutions of the EU and the physical and legal persons of the Member States, as well as the liability of legal entities. This issue is especially relevant during the intensified European integration that is now taking place in Ukraine.

Authors and Affiliations

Вікторія Сельська, Виктория Сельская, Victoria Selska


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How To Cite

Вікторія Сельська, Виктория Сельская, Victoria Selska (2017). Vicarious Liability in European Union Law. Lex portus, 4(2), 61-73.