
Розглянуто один із напрямків латиноамериканського вектору зовнішньої політики КНР – співпрацю з країнами Карибського басейну. Визначено основних партнерів таких, як Коста-Ріка, Мексика, Куба, Венесуела. Приділена увага основним завданням вирішення яких є ключовим для присутності Китаю у даному регіоні. The Caribbean region has 35 countries and independent territories. China provides active policy in that region. Such policy is determined by following factors. The main of that is the fact that China is interested in new allies for pursuing a policy of “One-China”. The One-China principle faces opposition from supports of the Taiwan independence movement, therefore it’s very important for Beijing to develop relations with the countries of the Latin America. The special meaning for China has Mexico and the relations are developing not only on a bilateral basis, but also within the G20, APEC and a number of other international organizations. Diplomatic relations between the two countries were established in 1972. The cooperation became its active development from the second half of the 90's of the twentieth century. Mexico is attractive to China as a member of NAFTA, because investments allow it to trade with the USA without import duties; it is interested in using its raw materials, as well as in the market of its products. In 2017, China gained the place of Mexico's second trading partner, after the United States and third in terms of investment. In such way, nowadays countries constantly conduct political dialogue and consultations on topical issues of world development, speaking in a single position within the framework of international organizations. The other important country for China is the Republic of Cuba. First of all, China is interested in strengthen the relations with Cuba, because the Republic has a unique geopolitical location. Moreover, the relations has become developing since 1960’s years, when Cuba one of the first recognized the People's Republic of China. In recent years, China has made progress in investment and contract construction in Cuba, and has gradually expanded its cooperation projects. At present observers notice that Chinese-Cuban cooperation will be strengthened and cover a growing number of sectors of the economy. China carries out active dialog with Venezuela, especially with Hugo Chavez coming to power. Venezuela supports the principle of "One-China". On the other side, China supports the Venezuela’s desire to take the place of a permanent member of the UN Security Council. So, Chinese bilateral relations with the Caribbean countries are backed up by multilateralism. The country is active as an observer in the Association of Caribbean States, Chinese capital is present at the Caribbean Development Bank. Therefore, the Caribbean is one of the most developed areas in China's foreign policy in Latin America.

Authors and Affiliations

N. Gavrilova, Julia Konstantinova


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N. Gavrilova, Julia Konstantinova (2017). ВІДНОСИНИ КИТАЮ З КРАЇНАМИ КАРИБСЬКОГО БАСЕЙНУ. Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Історія. Політологія, 7(20), 212-222. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-432298