Видовий склад фітоценозу територій, прилеглих до складів агрохімікатів / Special composition of phytocenosis of territories around of places warehouses of agrochemicals


A particular danger is the growing environmental pollution of synthetic, including toxic chemicals. The variety of chemicals in the environment, the difference in their chemical structure and physical and chemical properties, the difficulties in managing the risk of chemical actions have turned chemical compounds into a real threat to the safety of man and wildlife. Extremely complex and uncertain is the state of the pollution of agroecosystems with organic xenobiotics, which entering the natural environment enter into complex physical and chemical interactions with each other and natural compounds. The result of this interaction is the transformation of chemicals in the components of the natural environment, as well as the receipt and transfer of them in the upper links of the trophic chains. An important tool for preventing the negative effects of the use and global migration of pesticides, their toxic residues in the environment, plant products, feed and food products is systematic monitoring, an agroecological assessment and development of methods for the restoration of degraded and pollution soils. The agroecological assessment of the structure of the plant communities of the territory contaminated the organochlorine pesticide residues, namely, DDT and its metabolites (DDE, DDD) within the sanitary zone of the non-active warehouse of agrochemicals in the village Glinsk. The systematic use of pesticides in the agriculture leads to the fact that they become a permanent ecological factor that changes and forms macro- and microbiocenoses. The impact of pesticides, in particular, is on agrophytocenoses and their components: agricultural soils, vegetation cover, ground and soil biota. Studies on dark gray, podzolized soils in the conditions of the Western Forest-steppe of Ukraine have found that wild-type species tolerant to the toxic effects of pesticides, which can actively accumulate DDT.

Authors and Affiliations

Maryana Ivankiv, Natalia Ohorodnyk, Volodymyr Balkovskyi, Serhiy Pavkovych, Stakh Vovk, I Gorodiska


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  • EP ID EP558075
  • DOI 10.31734/agronomy2018.02.020
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How To Cite

Maryana Ivankiv, Natalia Ohorodnyk, Volodymyr Balkovskyi, Serhiy Pavkovych, Stakh Vovk, I Gorodiska (2018). Видовий склад фітоценозу територій, прилеглих до складів агрохімікатів / Special composition of phytocenosis of territories around of places warehouses of agrochemicals. Вісник Львівського національного аграрного університету. Агрономія, 22(), 20-24. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-558075