Видовий склад зелених насаджень санітарно-захисної зони ПАТ «Запоріжкокс»
Journal Title: Питання біоіндикації та екології - Year 2017, Vol 22, Issue 1
The area of plantations in the sanitary protection zone is 5,7 hectares. The distance between the enterprise and the nearest building complies is according to standard. 978 plants grow in the area of sanitary protection zone of the enterprise of which vines are 0,82 % and trees – 99,18 % of the total amount. There are 12 species of woody plants that belong to 11 families at the plantation. The most numerous familie is Ulmaceae, which is represented by 39,57 % of the total number of plants. The most numerous is the group of plants the height of which ranges from 8,1 to 10,0 meters (33,30 % of the total number of specimens) and from 10,1 to 12,0 meters (32,58 % of the total number of specimens). The tiniest number of trees belong to the group with a height from 14,1 to 16,0 meters – 16 specimens (1,65 % of the total amount). This group includes 5 specimens of Ulmus parvifolia, 3 specimens of Robinia pseudoacacia and 1 specimen of Ailanthus altissima. Plants with a diameter of trunk that varies between 8,1 and 12 cm (14,85 % of trees) are the most numerous. The tiniest number of trees belongs to the group with a diameter between 84,1 and 88,0 cm (0,10 %), 88,1–92,0 (0,21 %) and 98,1–100,0 cm (0,31 %) of the total amount. No signs of weakening were observed in 1,03% of the total number of plants in the research area. Symptoms of moderate weakening (category I) were observed in 75,16 % of the total amount of trees. The most numerous in this category were plants of such species as Acer platanoides L., Ailanthus altissima Mill., Betula pendula Roth., Catalpa bignonioides Walter, Populus balsamifera L. Robinia pseudoacacia L., Ulmus parvifolia Jacq., Ulmus laevis Pall. and Populus alba L. The second category (moderately weakened) includes 155 trees, which is 15,98 % of the total number of specimens. Categories III and IV include 2,78 % and 1,13 % of the total amount of woody plants respectively. Categories V includes 3,51 % of the total amount of woody plants. In the research area dead-wood is represented by four specimens, which is only 0,41 % of the total number of trees. The sanitary protection zone of the «Zaporizhkoks» PJSC is in dire need of systematic reconstruction of the green plantations with the aim to boost its ecological impact on air purity, but also for the sake of its architectural and aesthetic value. It is necessary to diversify plant assortment by using decorative woody plants that are highly resistant to air pollution and conduct rejuvenation of old plantations. В работе представлены данные о видовом составе насаждений санитарно-защитной зоны ПАО «Запорожкокс», а также о распределении растений за высотами, диаметрами и фитосанитарным состоянием. Фитосанитарное состояние насаждений удовлетворительное. Защитное насаждение нуждается в работах по реконструкции.
Authors and Affiliations
Скляренко А. В. Sklyarenko A. V.
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