
Розглянуто феномени війни і тероризму, показані зміни у веденні бойових дій у сучасних умовах, зростання ролі терористів в якості безпосередніх учасників «гібридної війни» поряд із законними і незаконними збройними формуваннями, спецслужбами, партизанами, бандитами та ін. Розкрити особливості модусу буття терористів, який своєрідно проявляє себе в ході війни. Показано відмінність між тероризмом і війною, базуючись на нормах міжнародного права ведення війни. Consider the phenomenon of war and terrorism. Even at first glance approach to war Karl von Clausewitz allows us to conclude that the war and terrorism are very close to each other in essence. And if instead of the signified (Dfd) «war» we use Dfd «terrorism» is signifying (Dfn) war will reveal also the essence of the phenomenon of terrorism, the terrorism – «is an act of violence is to force the enemy to fulfill our will», «is nothing but a continuation of … politics by other means», «is an act of human relationships». But this is only a first look at terrorism and it does not cover the complexity of the phenomenon. In our view, when terrorism should understand the social phenomenon that is based on the use or threat of use of violence as a terrorist act with the aim of increase climate of fear and hopelessness in society in order to achieve business goals terrorist activity. Terrorism inherent scalability, show off, diversity means used during the terrorist attacks and the high degree of public danger. The phenomenon of war is constantly being transformed along with the changes taking place in the world. On the battlefield in modern armed conflict, along with regular troops there are many new actors - forming irregular insurgents and militias, criminal gangs and international terrorist networks, private military companies and legions of foreign mercenaries, secret service units around the world, as well as troop international organizations. In the West, a new type of war is called «hybrid warfare». The concept of «hybrid warfare» is very similar to the concept of «mutiny–war», which is those in 1950-1970-ies. created Ye. Messner. He advanced and scientifically substantiated assumptions warning that global civilization (Free World) exposed «the invasion of destructive forces» (forces of evil and terror), and that in this context, the main danger (historical call) for all humanity is «World mutiny–war» - a new type of all-out (and also «wrong», «heretical») war. War, characterized by «warfare-style insurgency»: revolution, revolt, insurrection, riot, sabotage, espionage, clandestine terror partisanship (guerilla), military and political banditry, provocations and propaganda agitation and other various ways breakage cultures, structures, people, military expansion, etc. The major components of the mode of being terrorists, in our view, is pronounced destructiveness, authoritarianism, a sense of exclusivity, the dominance orientation group ethos, «theatricality». Proved that war and terrorism on the one hand, symbiotically related, and he and the other uses the phenomenon of violence to achieve their goals, in fact, in terms of new forms of armed struggle, including «hybrid war» terrorists are net succinct participants of the war, along with legal and illegal armed groups, security forces, guerrillas, bandits and others. on the other hand, methods of warfare and the war of terrorists conduct completely distorts the phenomenon of war, which operates within the framework of international law.

Authors and Affiliations

Mikhail Petrovich Trebin


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Mikhail Petrovich Trebin (2017). ВІЙНА І ТЕРОРИЗМ: СИМБІОТИЧНІ ВІДНОСИНИ. Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Історія. Політологія, 7(18), 365-373. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-429230