Vitamin A,Lipopolysaccharide and Fetal Injuries
Journal Title: International Journal of Pharmaceutical Science Invention - Year 2018, Vol 7, Issue 1
Objectives:Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) isan important factorthatinduces adversedevelopmentaloutcomes. These includeintrauterine growth retardation (IUGR), intrauterine fetal death (IUFD), embryonic resorption, and preterm delivery inrodents,and wererelatedto LPS-induced oxidativestress. VitaminAisa fatsoluble vitamin thathas someantioxidativeeffects.In this paper, theprotectiveroleofvitamin A was investigatedagainstLPS induced fetaldefectsinrats. Methods:Pregnantratswere selectedanddividedinto4groups.All pregnant rats,exceptfor the controlgroup,receivedanintraperitoneal injectionof LPS (75 µg/kg) daily on gestation days 15–17. The second and third groups received 100 mg/kg of VitaminA(I.M.) dailyoneweekbeforeofthe firstinjectionofLPS.Onday 18, thenumberoflive fetuses, dead fetuses,andresorption siteswerecounted in each respective group.Live fetusesineachlitterwere weighted. Crown-rumpandtaillengthswere examinedandskeletaldevelopmentwasevaluated. Results:AdministrationofLPSsignificantly increases fetal mortality, decreases fetalweight,crownrumpandtaillengthsoflive fetusesandretarded skeletal ossificationincaudal vertebrae,anteriorand posteriorphalanges andsupra-occipitalbone. Conclusions:Thestudyshowedthat aco-treatmentofVitaminAwithLPScoulddecrease defectsofLPSand improve injuries.Thissuggests vitaminAhasan antioxidant role whichcould protect fetalinjuriesinduced byLPS in rats.
Authors and Affiliations
Masoud Delashoub, Aref Delkhosh, Hamed Shoorei, Yasin Bagheri, Reza Fathi, Maryam Mahmoodi Momenabadi, Ranim Shartouni
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