Визначення передумов інноваційного розвитку індустріального сектора регіону
Journal Title: Вісник Маріупольського державного університету.Серія: Економіка - Year 2017, Vol 7, Issue 13
Стаття присвячена актуальній проблемі інноваційного розвитку індустріального сектору, а основною метою статті є - визначення передумов такого розвитку в регіонах Україні. У статті розкрита сутність таких категорій, як «розвиток регіону» із визначенням у ньому міста і залежності від інновацій, «інноваційного розвитку» – як процесу, «інноваційного розвитку регіону» та «інноваційного розвитку індустріального сектора регіону». Також в статі визначено умови, мету, концептуальні основи, форми та чинники розвитку за кожним із перелічених процесів розвитку. The article focuses on the problem of the innovative development of the industrial sector, while the main purpose of the article is the identification of conditions for such development in regions of Ukraine. The article uncovers the essence of such terms as “the regional development” with the identification of the role of and dependency on innovations; “innovative development” as a process; “innovative regional development” and “innovative development of the industrial sector of the region”. The article also defines conditions, the purpose, conceptual foundations, and factors of development of each of the aforementioned developmental processes. The article proves that, taking into consideration the role and place of the industrial sector in the region, the infrastructure of the innovative development of the industrial sector of the region involves the formation of conditions for the implementation of those processes that have to contribute to the resolution of problems of the socioeconomic development of the region on the intensive (innovative ground). The article classifies factors, which form the infrastructure and lay the ground for the innovative development of the industrial sector of the region, into eight groups that characterize processes that influence the innovative development of the industrial sector of the region. Findings of the study show that the formation of the infrastructure of the innovative development at the regional level requires the improvement of socioeconomic conditions of the regional development and its competitiveness due to the mobilization of its production potential based on achievements of the technological progress, modern technologies, rise of innovative activities of businesses, and establishment of ties with educational and scientific institutions. The main directions of the development of the infrastructure of the innovative development of the industrial sector of the region are defined, including the following: taking into consideration the impact of factors on the infrastructure of the innovative development of the industrial sector of the region along with the identification of factor similar to the region at large and to the industrial sector in particular; the achievement of equal conditions along with the development of the region itself – macroeconomic, legal norms in terms of the economic regulation of the regional development, the system of budgetary relations, international economic conditions; provision of the functionality of the infrastructure on the ground of the creation of favorable conditions for the development of the industrial sector in the region by means of the enhancement of the regional policy. The article defines conditions of the innovative development of the industrial sector of the region, among which the main conditions are: the qualification of the labor force, the technological progress (the level of the technological development), the nature of demand. The article offers the main directions for the implementation of the state regional policy in the time of the application of the innovative model of development.
Authors and Affiliations
O. Melnykova
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