Властивості личкованих деревинно-полімерних матеріалів плоского способу пресування [Properties of laminated flat pressed wood plastic compsites]
Journal Title: Наукові праці Лісівничої академії наук України - Year 2016, Vol 14, Issue
The process of laminating of flat pressed wood plastic composites (WPC) and their properties was studied in this paper. Two-side laminating process of WPC panels was carried out simultaneously with their flat pressing. Modification additives were not used for the production of WPC. High pressure laminates (HPL) with the thickness 0.5 mm were used as the laminating material. Recycled polyethylene (rPE) and polyethylene (PE) film were used as gluing material for HPL bonding. The laminating of WPC with HPL without glue was produced at the same production parameters. Modulus of rupture (MOR), modulus of elastic (MOE), internal bond (IB) and thickness swelling after 2 (TS/2) and 24 (TS/24) hours were investigated of laminated flat pressed WPC. It was found that the type of glue has not significant influence on the mechanical properties of laminated WPC. The highest values of MOR and MOE were observed in laminated WPC with the using of PE film. A little bit lower values were observed in laminated WPC with the using of rPE. In particular, the increase of MOR was 14% with using of RPE and 24% with using of PE film in compare with laminated WPC without glue. The same depends were observed at the investiga-tion of MOE. The values of the MOR (MOE) were higher than 29 N/mm2 for all investigated types of laminated WPC. The type of glue has any influence on the IB of laminated WPC. This influence was confirmed by ANOVA test. The values of IB were at value 0.33-0.34 N/mm2. The type of the glue has significant influence on the TS/24 of laminated WPC. But the TS/2 of the investigated laminated WPC was at the same level (less than 1%). In particular, the TS/24 decreased in 1.6 times by the using of rPE and in 1.63 times by the using of PE film in comparison with laminated WPC without using glue. It should be noted that the values of TS/2 and TS/24 were the same for laminated WPC with using of rPE and PE film. The highest values of the TS/24 were 12.91%, which is less than standard norm for wood based panels. The WPC laminated by HPL have high strength, water resistance and could be used at different areas, in particular in furniture production.
Authors and Affiliations
Pavlo Lyutyy, Galyna Ortynska
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