
У статті аналізуються основні внутрішньополітичні фактори, що сприяли появі та активізації сепаратизму, який сьогодні є одним із основних викликів та загроз національній безпеці України. Мінімізація деструктивного потенціалу етнонаціональних відносин, діяльності регіональних еліт, диспропорцій економічного розвитку, різновекторності ціннісних орієнтацій населення та невиваженої політики ідентичності є важливою частиною заходів щодо запобігання та протидії сепаратизму та відновленню державного суверенітету й територіальної цілісності нашої держави. The hybrid war of the Russian Federation with Ukraine has led to a violation of the territorial integrity of the state and the loss of sovereignty over the territory of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, the city of Sevastopol and a significant part of the Donetsk and Lugansk regions, which, according to the current legislation, have become temporarily occupied territories. As a result of armed aggression and hostilities with puppet self-proclaimed republics that are supported financially, resourcefully, militarily and humanely by Russia, Ukraine has faced a wide range of threats and challenges in the security field. Thus, the task of national security as a state policy is to create internal and external political conditions that promote the preservation and strengthening of vital national interests (constitutional order, territorial integrity, inviolability of borders, etc.) from existing or potential opponents. Assessing the level of separatist threat and counteracting it in the future is impossible without studying all the factors that triggered the emergence and intensification of this phenomenon in Ukraine. Thus, the analysis of the causes of separatism is an urgent task for the scientific and expert community today. In order to understand the root causes of separatism in Ukraine, in the opinion of the author of the article, it is expedient to analyze the internal political preconditions for its emergence and development, including: the features of the post-totalitarian transformation period, the activity of regional elites, the crisis of national identity, the peculiarities of ethno-national relations, and the pro-Russian position of the representatives of the security structures. In contemporary security discourse in the context of a hybrid war against Ukraine, it is important to take into account not only external challenges but also the analysis of internal threats that destructively affect the national security of the state. Creating an effective system of countering separatism is an important direction in ensuring it. The necessary steps in this context are the harmonization of legislation in the ethno-national sphere in order to eliminate contradictions between ethnic groups, the formation of a policy of identity as the basis for building a Ukrainian nation, the conscious avoidance of acute political confrontation and the consensus of political elites regarding the national interests of the country and the ways to achieve them. This will ensure the political stability of Ukraine, which can become one of the mechanisms of protection against Russian aggression and separatism in the future.

Authors and Affiliations

Оксана Павлятенко


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Оксана Павлятенко (2018). ВНУТРІШНЬОПОЛІТИЧНІ УМОВИ ВИНИКНЕННЯ СЕПАРАТИЗМУ В УКРАЇНІ. Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Історія. Політологія, 8(21), 203-211. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-545509