
У статті розглядається реалізація другої частини воєнної доктрини Б. Хмельницького – військово-технічного змісту, який складається з військового будівництва та способів вибору ведення війни. The article examines the realization of the second part of military doctrine of B. Khmelnytsky - the military-technical content, which consists of military construction and choice of methods of warfare. Due to rearmament of the Cossack army the latest samples of muskets and the introduction of ladivnytsya (a device with a beforehand prepared for a musket charges), as well as high combat training of the Cossack infantry B. Khmelnytsky considerably increased its efficiency. In particular, reduced a multirank (batovy) battle array musketeersinfantry to three ranks. It expanded firing attack front, increased density, accuracy and continuity of musket fire and maneuvering infantry on a battlefield. Considering its and foreign experience he has defined for each Cossack reserve of military load in a battle within 30-35 charges, and in a march - at the rate of 10 combat attack (300 bullets and 2 kg of powder). He set in a march to have one cart on 10 Cossacks and each Cossack - two horses. New Breath received traditional Cossack military order – tabor (camp) of the carts, which began to be used not only for defense but also attack. Considering experience of armies participating in the Thirty Years War, he set the share of the Ukrainian army to ensure the weight of artillery within four guns per thousand people (6-7 light guns in every regiment and about 30 heavy guns of Hetman artillery). Referring to the issue discussed in the article on the choice of warfare, I note that, raising the uprising and starting a war against the Rzeczpospolita, B. Khmelnytsky consider that comes into the fight with a powerful empire and to defeat it, he combines military action with the strategy and tactics various forms of its depletion, which received the name «Concept of exhaustion (wearing down) of enemy», as part of his military doctrine and the main direction of his armed struggle against an enemy. At the same time, this concept is an example of the Ukrainian military art in the Liberation war, which rested on three pillars: a) maneuvering of troops on operational-strategic level (before a battle, on enemy territory); b) maneuvering troops on operational-tactical level (battle); c) involvement to fight against the enemy of the great mass of the population. In the context of this concept were worked out methods of use of the Union of Crimean Tatar troops, organization of combat support troops (organization of all types of reconnaissance), as well as planning of military (battle) actions.

Authors and Affiliations

I. Storozhenko


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I. Storozhenko (2016). ВОЄННА ДОКТРИНА Б.ХМЕЛЬНИЦЬКОГО 1648-1652 рр. : РЕАЛІЗАЦІЯ ЇЇ ВІЙСЬКОВО-ТЕХНІЧНОГО ЗМІСТУ. Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Історія. Політологія, 6(16), 139-147. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-428941