
У статті розглянуті теоретичні та методологічні положення політичної думки доби визвольних змагань у контексті їх актуальності для політичного процесу сучасної України. Визначене проблемне поле концептів політичної думки початку XX століття для політичних інститутів і трансформацій сучасної України. Надано увагу необхідності реалізації ідеологічних і доктринальних засад українського націоналізму та української соціал-демократії в умовах України після Революції Гідності. The article deals with the theoretical and methodological positions of the political thought of the age of liberation struggles in the context of their relevance for the political process of modern Ukraine. The problem field of concepts of political thought of the beginning of XX century for the political institutes and transformations of modern Ukraine is determined. The necessity of implementing the ideological and doctrinal principles of Ukrainian nationalism and Ukrainian Social-Democracy in the conditions of Ukraine after the Revolution of Dignity was given. Determined, that political transformations in Ukraine showed that democratic change has become possible under the condition of the national consciousness and broad public support presence on the course of democratization. These conditions became possible in the presence of an ideological platform for national democracy, which, among other things, was based on the ideological and doctrinal heritage of the era of national liberation struggles. Political Ukrainianity as a movement of the self-expression of the Ukrainian ethnos in its sovereign territory has gone through many trials that crystallized the situation and political demands of Ukrainian statehood and independence. Discribed attempts to implement the scenario of a street political struggle in 2017, under certain ideological slogans, generally do not contradict the democratic political process. At the same time, the requirement of consolidation of all patriotic forces and their cooperation and mutual assistance in modern Ukraine dictates the necessity of curbing their own ambitions and attempts to realize their own interests as soon as possible, as the political retrospective of Ukraine shows. Such actions were usually not substantiated, they acquire the substantiation in post factum. Grounded that the Association of Revolutionary Transformations of the Age of Liberation Movement makes it possible to argue about the underdevelopment of the security and defense aspects of contemporary political thought. Established, that after 100 years, the progressiveness of the institutions that developed the subject of political and military security in Ukraine, as well as the presence of relevant state institutions, protecting national interests and territorial integrity was far from desirable. Therefore, the historical and cultural significance of certain ideas and platforms should be directed to avoid the false ideas and approaches in the strategic political thinking of the elites and the leadership of the state; on this basis, the current political class of contemporary Ukraine must be brought up.

Authors and Affiliations

Anatoly Klyuy


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Anatoly Klyuy (2017). ПОЛІТИЧНА ДУМКА ДОБИ ВИЗВОЛЬНИХ ЗМАГАНЬ ПОЧАТКУ ХХ СТОЛІТТЯ ТА ПОЛІТИЧНИЙ ПРОЦЕС СУЧАСНОЇ УКРАЇНИ. Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Історія. Політологія, 7(20), 245-250. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-432576