This paper’s main goal is to present the outcome of a field study from 2015 among the companies representing the sector of modern services for business in the area of Lodz. The main interest of the study were the informa...
Dealing with texts may mean using various research methods. The present paper discusses two such methodological approaches: text analysis and text interpretation. It is concerned, initially theoretically, with the questi...
The article discusses typical persuasive strategies used by leading producers of contraceptives on their websites and on the websites of particular contraceptive products from the media-linguistic point of view. The purp...
This article is going to follow up the question of normativization within counsellor texts, exemplarily using science guides. A pro argumentation for this is, to not only see normativization in this correlation as a morp...
The paper deals with the role of multilingualism in selected text types. The reflections on forms of multilingualism and occasions for using multiple languages in a text lead to the creation of a typology that distinguis...
Fachtextsorten in arbeitsmarktorientierten Studienfächern vor dem Hintergrund der Entwicklung des polnischen Outsourcing-Sektors
This paper’s main goal is to present the outcome of a field study from 2015 among the companies representing the sector of modern services for business in the area of Lodz. The main interest of the study were the informa...
Textanalyse oder Textinterpretation? Überlegungen aus textlinguistischer Sicht
Dealing with texts may mean using various research methods. The present paper discusses two such methodological approaches: text analysis and text interpretation. It is concerned, initially theoretically, with the questi...
Persuasive Strategien auf den Internetseiten für Verhütungsmittel
The article discusses typical persuasive strategies used by leading producers of contraceptives on their websites and on the websites of particular contraceptive products from the media-linguistic point of view. The purp...
Ratgeberliteratur und Strategien der Normierung – am Beispiel von Wissenschaftsratgebern
This article is going to follow up the question of normativization within counsellor texts, exemplarily using science guides. A pro argumentation for this is, to not only see normativization in this correlation as a morp...
Zur Rolle der Zweisprachigkeit in ausgewählten Textsorten
The paper deals with the role of multilingualism in selected text types. The reflections on forms of multilingualism and occasions for using multiple languages in a text lead to the creation of a typology that distinguis...