The paper discusses reactions of Russian and Polish (first of all - Warsaw) press to the
famous Leo Tolstoy’s escape from Yasnaya Polyana in 1910. A comparison between publications
shows that Polish newspapers wrote rela...
In his article, authors deals with Stanisław Swianiewicz heritage. They point-out that it cannot be reduced to the famous episode of the Katyń massacre while he avoided death being sent to the Gwiezdowo station in the ne...
Lucjan Suchanek (2001). Возможeн ли диалог культур? A. Солженицын, A. Зиновьев, Э. Лимонов o Западe. ACTA POLONO-RUTHENICA, 1(0),
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Уход Льва Толстого (1910) в оценке русской и польской прессы
The paper discusses reactions of Russian and Polish (first of all - Warsaw) press to the famous Leo Tolstoy’s escape from Yasnaya Polyana in 1910. A comparison between publications shows that Polish newspapers wrote rela...
Polsko-wschodniosłowiańskie kontakty i powiązania kulturowe, literackie i językowe : międzynarodowe cykliczne konferencje w Olsztynie
"Rosyjska dobroczynność w zwierciadle historii. Przedrewolucyjna historiografia działalności dobroczynnej i dobroczynnych instytucji", Aleksander R. Sokołow, Sankt Petersburg-Warszawa 2002
Stanisław Swianiewicz wobec mniejszości narodowych i wielokulturowości Kresów Wschodnich Rzeczypospolitej
In his article, authors deals with Stanisław Swianiewicz heritage. They point-out that it cannot be reduced to the famous episode of the Katyń massacre while he avoided death being sent to the Gwiezdowo station in the ne...
Белорусская катойконимия на фоне этноязыковых контактов