Вплив мінеральних добрив на врожайність та якість зерна вівса голозерного сорту Авгол у Західному Лісостепу України / Effect of mineral fertilizers on the yield and quality оf oats seeds of variety Avgol in the Western Forest-Steppe of Ukraine


The article presents the results of field research on the production of oatmeal grain oats depending on the background of mineral fertilizers in the conditions of the Western Forest-steppe of Ukraine. The object of research was thenaked grain of oats Avgol – which is recommended for growing in the forest-steppe zone. Oyster proteins have the highest biological value, the share of digestible oat proteins reaches 90–95 % of its total content. The application of mineral fertilizers, along with the increase in yield, increased the protein content of oats. The soil of the experimental area is dark gray podzolized. The predecessor of the experimental site was soy. In autumn, after harvesting, the predecessor was planted at a depth of 25 cm MTZ-82 + 3–35. Under the plowing of the soil of the experimental site, introduced nitrogen-phosphorus (Ammophos) and potassium (Potassium chloride) fertilizers. During research (2016–2017 years) there was a straightforward dependence of the level of yield depending on the background of mineral fertilizers. The results of the studies indicate an increase in the yield of oats of the grade Avgol with an increase in the doses of mineral fertilizers, namely N30P10K20; N60P20K40; N90R30K60; N45+45R30K60; N120P40K80; N40 + 40 + 40P40K80; in comparison with the cattle (without fertilizers). There are the results of researches of various variants of application of mineral fertilizers on crops of naked oats which give an opportunity to receive yield at the level of 2,07–4,84 t/ha. According to the results of the research, it was found that the highest protein content was obtained on the variant of the experiment N40 + 40 + 40Р40К80, it was 14,43 %.

Authors and Affiliations

I. V. Foremna, V. V. Lykhochvor


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  • EP ID EP559585
  • DOI 10.31734/agronomy2018.02.060
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How To Cite

I. V. Foremna, V. V. Lykhochvor (2018). Вплив мінеральних добрив на врожайність та якість зерна вівса голозерного сорту Авгол у Західному Лісостепу України / Effect of mineral fertilizers on the yield and quality оf oats seeds of variety Avgol in the Western Forest-Steppe of Ukraine. Вісник Львівського національного аграрного університету. Агрономія, 22(), 60-63. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-559585