
У статті досліджується вплив православ’я на обрядові традиції грецької спільноти Північного Приазов’я кінця ХVІІІ – першій чверті ХХ ст. Окреслено поєднання загальнохристиянських традицій та календарних свят, які шанували греки Приазов’я. Доведено, що православні традиції поєднувалися із язичницькими, що відображало тривалий шлях розвитку етносу і взаємодії його духовної культури із культурними традиціями інших народів. Зазначено, що найважливіше місце в релігійно-обрядовому бутті греків займало свято Панаїр, яке мало важливу етноконсолідуючу функцію. Зазначено роль духовенства в реєстрації життєвих циклів греків Північного Приазов’я (реєстрація народження та хрещення дитини, проведення шлюбних та поховальних церемоній). The article examines the influence of Orthodoxy on the ritual traditions of the Greek community of the Northern Azov region in the late XVIII – first quarter of the XX century. The author outlined the combination of general Christian traditions and calendar holidays, which are revered by the Greeks of the Azov region. It is proved that the Orthodox traditions were combined with pagan ones, which reflected the long way of development of interaction of the ethnic group and its spiritual culture with the cultural traditions of other peoples. It is noted that an important place in the religious and ceremonial life of the Greeks occupied the feast of Panair, which is of little importance in a consolidating function of peoples. During the celebration of Panair after the holiday dinner began the “game” – the traditional competition of Azov Greeks – kuresh. Easter was the most important Orthodox holiday for the Greeks. It is no accident that the Greeks called it "Lambri", which means "shining, brilliant, bright". A number of ritual dishes were prepared for Easter. On Holy Thursday in each house they painted eggs, mostly in red. Some of them were called "caniche". The Greeks baked cakes from flour of funeral to the calendar-holiday dates: vasopro (St. Basil's day), christopsomo (on Holy Saturday before Easter), Easter bread Satir - wheat bagel with a cross in the middle, a cake baked with eggs - artos (the first day of the Easter week), biscuits in the form of birds – pults. The Greeks and St. John the Baptist or Ivan Kupala (June 24 / July 7) were revered. It should be noted that the Central holidays of the Greeks of the Azov region, as well as of the Slavs of this region, were the holidays of the Christmas cycle. The author notes the role of the clergy in the registration of life cycles of the Greeks of the Northern Azov region (registration of the birth and baptism of the child, marriage and funeral ceremonies). The wedding of the Greeks of the Azov region was held in autumn, at the time not related to agricultural work, and traditionally it lasted for two days (Saturday and Sunday). The wedding was preceded by courtship (megala aravanis). Great importance was given to the observance of the canons of the Christian Church. Marriage, which was taken before the age of the Church, was considered invalid. Before the wedding the priests, in the presence of witnesses, constituted the marriage as an act of (a search), in which the documents affirmed that their Union is undertaken on mutual consent and desire, not on coercion and there were testimonies made about the mental health of the brides. The features of the burial rite of the Greeks are considered; its similarity to the rites of other peoples according to the scenario and a set of burial actions are determined by the author. The Greeks of the Azov region also preserved the idea of ancient magical rites and paid attention to the reading of prayers. So, the further research of traditional and ritual culture of the Greeks and their interaction with other representatives of ethnic and religious communities of the Northern Azov region in the context of history and modernity requires special attention.

Authors and Affiliations

Олена Салаватівна Манякіна


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How To Cite

Олена Салаватівна Манякіна (2018). ВПЛИВ ПРАВОСЛАВ’Я НА ОБРЯДОВІ ТРАДИЦІЇ ГРЕЦЬКОЇ СПІЛЬНОТИ ПІВНІЧНОГО ПРИАЗОВ’Я (2). Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Філософія, культурологія, соціологія, 8(15), 44-50. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-553401