
У статті розкрито особливості японської культури, які проявляються через складові образу світу людини традиційної культури Японії. Розглянуто запозичення із культури Китаю, які вплинули на становлення світогляду японців. Підкреслено, що образ світу японців формувався під впливом релігій сінтоїзму та буддизму. Зазначено, що людина в японській традиції – це мікросвіт, через який пізнається все інше, це істота, яка намагається злитися зі світом і яка переживає світ. Висвітлено та охарактеризовано: світобачення японців – художньо-естетичне, що базується на уособленні та успадкуванні принципу природності; вершиною мистецтва в Японії вважається сама природа, а художник – її учень. In the article through the constituents of the image of the world of traditional culture of Japan, the author reveals the essence of Japanese culture. The author studies the borrowing from the culture of China, which influenced the formation of the worldview of the Japanese. It is emphasized that the Japanese took the Chinese students first of all, which was closer to their understanding and character. However, everything they took changed its outline. The author draws the attention to the fact that the image of the world of the Japanese was also formed under the significant influence of religion, primarily Shinto, which is based on the cult of nature and ancestors. This religion raised the Japanese feelings of gratitude to nature, formed the ability to enjoy its endless variability, rejoice in its beauty. The author emphasizes that under the influence of Zen Buddhism, which came to Japan from China in the VI-th century, there was a calligraphy, icecan, a mixture, park art, the But No Theatre, which became the elements of samurai culture. It is noted that a person in the Japanese tradition is a microcosm; because of it everything else is known that the meaning is not human, but the connection between man and the world, that a person in a cultural space is a being that is experiencing the world. The attention is drawn to the fact that the basis of the system of perception of the Japanese world is the Buddhist concept of Nothingness. It is emphasized that the understanding of the development of the world as spontaneous, without interference with the natural course of events, influenced the character of the artistic method of the Japanese. It is highlighted and characterized that the world view of the Japanese is artistic and aesthetic, it is based on the personification and inheritance of the principle of naturalness, that at the very top nature itself is considered, and the artist is its obedient student, that the master listens to the inner calling of things, entrusts the word to himself, the movement of the brush, the spirit creativity. His task is to awaken the soul of things. It is noted that the feature of the Japanese aesthetics is manifested in the fact that through the work of art not only the world perception of the author is transmitted, but also of the reader. An answer to the verses should be a sigh, which transmits the joy of suddenly open beauty, or sighing with a shade of sum, because beauty is fleeting. It is noted that globalization processes open the opportunities for the Japanese to expand the communicative and cultural space, invade the world of their traditional representations, but this leads to the unification of culture, the loss of their cultural identity. They manage to combine modern western standards with the peculiarity of traditional culture in their culture.

Authors and Affiliations

Лідія Іванівна Кривоцюк, Анастасія Сергіївна Ільницька


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How To Cite

Лідія Іванівна Кривоцюк, Анастасія Сергіївна Ільницька (2018). ЛЮДИНА ТА ЇЇ ОБРАЗ СВІТУ В КУЛЬТУРІ ЯПОНІЇ. Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Філософія, культурологія, соціологія, 8(15), 38-44. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-553370