
У статті розглядається вплив промислових міграцій у післяреформений Донбас на формування поліетнічності регіону. Досліджено динаміка етноструктури регіону в процесі формування вугільнопромислового комплексу Донбасу. Визначено, що промисловіміграції у післяреформений Донбас значно урізноманітнили і ускладнили етноструктуру регіону, дуже вплинули на особливості регіональної ідентичності. he article shows that founding of the iron and metallurgical base in the South of the Russian Empire was the significant factor in the formation of the modern Donbas ethnic structure and had a great impact on the polyethnicity of the whole Southern-East of Ukraine. The aim the article is to analyse the impact of the industrial migrations to the post-reform Donbas on the ethnic structure of the region (1861-1900) as of the substantial historical factor of regional identity specification formation. The article demonstrates that social and economic conditions of Donbas development such as founding of the iron and metallurgical complex on the capitalist basis, the government protectionist policy, attraction of foreign capital, the high rate of industrial concentration and its poor technical equipment formed the necessary background for migration to this region. The development by the government and miners from the South of Russia of the special projects requiring much workforce as well as creating relatively better social conditions and securities for the workers as compared to other regions of the Russian Empire played the significant part in the process of the industrial migrations to Donbas. During 40 post-reform years the total number of Donbas workers increased by a factor of 30. The main territories of the migrants’ origin as opposed to agricultural migrations where Left-Bank Ukraine came first were the Central Russia provinces, in particular Kursk, Oryol, Tula, Voronezh and others. The most Ukrainian migrants came from Kharkiv, Chernihiv, Poltava and Kyiv provinces although their quantity was much less than the Russian provinces migrants’ number. Besides Russian and Ukrainian villagers the Tartars, the Byelorussians, the Poles and representatives of other nationalities came to Donbas. This fact caused ethnic inhomogeneity of Donbas workers and influenced the dynamics of the region ethnic structure increasing the number of Russians and representatives of other ethnic groups in the region. The main social and cultural distinctive features formed in the post-reform period due to development of the territory’s natural recourses and agricultural migrations to the region kept their significance in their further development and became the basis for Donbas regional identity peculiarities formation.

Authors and Affiliations

N. Pashyna, Maksym Bulyk


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How To Cite

N. Pashyna, Maksym Bulyk (2017). ВПЛИВ ПРОМИСЛОВИХ МІГРАЦІЙ В ПОРЕФОРМЕНИЙ ДОНБАС НА ЕТНОСТРУКТУРУ РЕГІОНУ ТА РЕГІОНАЛЬНУ ІДЕНТИЧНОСТЬ (1861 – 1900 рр.). Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Історія. Політологія, 7(19), 233-242. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-431666